COVID-19 has gratefully presented us with an opportunity for a cultural shift towards health and wellness. Whether that be paying greater attention to basic hygiene and sanitation skills, getting the opportunity to cook and try new foods or applying different way to exercise and stay sane! However, the key opportunity we have upon spending time alone is to become clear on what’s most important in each and every one of our lives.
Keep the goal but switch the routine
The ones who are able to adapt to their surroundings easily are the real winners right now. It’s critical to be able to adapt to change in general, but especially in this current state as a culture. For instance, football teams don’t always follow exact plans in order to reach the goal of getting a touchdown, sometimes an audible gets called and plays change in the huddle. It’s part of the process to get creative and find new strategies that can be implemented to achieving whatever it is you want. Now is the perfect time to do and try new habits.
Study the introvert (Learn how to be alone)
Right now, the folks who are struggling the most are having a true internal battle within. Now would be the ideal time to reach out to friends who are introverts not only to check on them, but to also learn their ways. Get to know things like how they’re able to focus, stay busy but also enjoy themselves in a time like this. Maybe ask something like, “What kind of things are doing in your life to stay productive and stay sane during quarantine” via face time or Zoom.
Be conscious of what’s being put in front of your face
It’s said that each one of our personalities reflects the five people we spend most of our time with. Whether we like it or not, our subconscious is always picking up on what we put in front of it. It’s important to be mindful of what we’re spending majority of our time doing during this difficult period. If you don’t make the effort to master your own mind, it will be a slave to the forces around you. Remember who you are and what you want out of life.
Our DNA has proven us success
Our DNA has shown that we have thrived as a species on many occasions. We are living evidence that our ancestors made it through challenges like war, corruption, slavery and pandemics; it’s literally on YOU to carry your DNA to the next generation with pride. I have a strong feeling that we will come out of this stronger and more woke than ever.
Reverse engineering (4 practical steps towards self assessment)
1. Get into a mindset that you have already achieved everything you wanted.
2. Identify the problems that are inhibiting you from making that become a reality.
3. Write down the steps you have to take in order to make it reality.
4. Execute fully. Just simply start. Speed trumps perfection.
Recommended reading:
Earlier this year, I was going through some serious growth as changes were happening all around me. My roommate here in Berkeley recommended Sadguru’s “Inner Engineering”. This book has allowed me to have empathy and compassion for myself at a level I never knew was possible.
Not only does Sadguru offer practical steps on how to truly focus on what’s happening in the present moment, but provides the reader with a dimensional shift in the very way they look at life, work, and the world that we inhabit. This may honestly be the greatest time in history to work on yourself and to truly get clear on what it is that you want. Stay strong, stay original.