Majority of us have been set up our whole lives to think that we aren’t “good enough” in many situations. We are also taught to be not be present often. A prime example of this is when a teacher says “If you don’t do well on your exams, you won’t get into college”. This immediately strikes fear and anxiety into the subconscious and makes the entire process of studying for the exam itself that much tougher. Sometimes forcing the student away from wanting to do it in the first place. Our society is literally backwards these days.
As I’ve sat and pondered about this for a couple months now, I seem to keep it on my mind. Another example, when we are not liked by someone who is inferior to us (or has some that we don’t) many of us get shamed into thinking we aren’t “good enough” because we are not like them, or don’t have what they have. When in reality that person you we are getting compared to probably got to where they are by being themselves! Doing exactly what they are great at doing.
So I am very confused on why this is constantly happening to folks around the world. We’ve been told to be everything BUT ourselves when majority of the time, being ourselves is the real solution to being “successful”. In this article I’m going to go over why it’s important to be your self in almost every situation as well as staying present in the world today.
Staying woke
This is 2019 and I am fully convinced that majority of us have lost our ability to connect with the social world. In reality, about 85% of the real world is connecting through SOCIAL/LIVE connections and not the social media connections. Culture is sincerely getting it twisted and we need to get back to the basics.
My theory is social media was developed by people who were shy people and needed to find an outlet to make connecting “easier”. We have reformed ourselves to this “shyness”. As human beings, we are masters of compensating and adapting, especially to something that we are exposed to daily. This is a true blind pandemic that’s hurting the way we live on a day-to-day basis.
Now, I’ve caught myself falling into this trap many of times. I remember being with a group of friends a couple months back, sitting in the same room on Instagram while all together. We would occasionally send each other messages and tag one another in posts while we were sitting right next to one another! All without saying one single word to each other. I found this very odd and backwards as that was the last straw with social media for me.
Being YOU
Being authentic, real and honest will get you farther than any other trait will. When you are true to the bone, people are either going to love or hate you and that’s perfectly okay. Expressing yourself and giving energy whether someone will like it or not is a part of life. When we think about it, most successful people are very polarizing when trying to get a point across.
Not saying at all that I support this man at ALL but Donald Trump is the supreme example of a polarized human being: TONS of people hate this man, but there are also people who like him and are stepping up with what he “believes”. You either love him or hate him and he has weaseled his way into being arguably the most powerful man on earth simply by being himself.
Now I’m not advocating that we be a jerk to everyone, but we should know when not to let people step all over us. Please, if you take one thing away from this piece do not let anyone tell you that you aren’t good enough for any situation. We should want to surround ourselves with people who will have our backs and not the people who are kissing our ass and constantly agreeing with everything we say.
Try not to be so “high schoolish” like on the validations. It’s perfectly okay if people don’t like you! We have to constantly remind ourselves that there are literally billions of people in the world, majority of them with like whom you are if your intentions are pure and true. Simple as that. Also know that you will always get a reaction from someone. Whether it’s a good reaction or be reaction, constructive criticism will always be there.
Pure intentions
When we actually “stay true” to our feelings and our intuitions, they will guide us into the most organic direction. Know that it’s okay to get in tune with our feelings as they can often guide us towards many solutions we are seeking. We should also stop comparing ourselves to one another as it really is getting people lost on many levels.
If you are lost, literally find some place that you will be in complete solitude and reconnect with what your soul is trying to scream to you. Start by asking “what actually fulfills my heart on a daily basis”. Once that is found out, figure out a way to put some urgency on that passion and make it part of the daily life, no matter what.
I found that giving passion, along with love freely every single day has made me a better human being. By doing this and not expecting a DIME back from the passion and love given, you will get you will get it back ten fold later on down the road. The reverse engineering process is something we are rarely taught in school or by anyone and I found that it works like a charm.
Life can eventually give you all the answers you are actively seeking them. Lessons will get delivered left and right on a daily basis when you actually start talking to people and put the puzzle pieces together that life leaves us! This can only happen when we stay present and aware of whats happening around the situations we place ourselves in.
Recognize that everything is a process. Start being kinder to yourself when you make a mistake (because you most definitely will). Simply apologize to yourself first and then to the person you hurt is crucial to successfully moving forward.
Don’t even think about the future. Pay attention to the what’s going on now and squeezing everything out the current situation and your future will handle itself. The gems and the wisdom of life are there! They are only accessible to the people woke enough to recognize and learn from them.
Pro Tip
Make it a goal to be able to speak your mind without looking for ANY approval. Be a good communicator and take good care of yourself as well as others.