The idea of money can be very easily skewed. For some people may think that if you have money, then you are flat out evil! In more serious cases, people have been raised on the idea that if you are financially “well off” then you are a bad person who tries to “scam” other people. My goal here is to try to break it down and tell you why money is not the root of all evil, but why the love FOR money IS.
The “schemers”
Now in some cases for the people who do have lots of money, they can be easily be creating some sort scheme on people where each participant recruits three more participants with returns being given to early participants, this is a very real thing that happens everyday. The good old “Pyramid Scheme”. Ive found that, if your intentions are pure and you ARE “well off” while also having something special that people need or can seriously benefit from, then lots of good can come from this situation.
The fundamentals
Whether we like it or not, we have to know that money is at the root of things that we NEED in todays world. The only thing that’s free is oxygen, without it, we would literally not exist. (Thank you trees :D). After that, the pecking order goes water, food and then shelter. Unfortunately, all of those cost some sort of money. We need it to keep our heads above water.
Your gifts
Everyone has some sort of trait that is different than others. Something that blatantly stands out differently in you than it does in others. If you truly don’t know what your “gift” is yet, think back to when you were younger, what did people compliment you on the most? Were you an awesome drawer? Overly nice? Were you the funniest dude on the block? Everyone truly does have something unique about them, its more about how we go about finding it?
This may sound bizarre, but once you find out what your gift is, go sit down somewhere and talk to yourself as if you were your own boss. This is an incredible practice as it allows us to see both sides of the coin. I have been extremely blessed to have been born and
raised in the United States of America. Because everywhere has problems but not everywhere has opportunities.
Sense of Urgency
It’s not easy to push yourself all the time. One major key that has helped me significantly get through tough times is imagining myself in a room with the 4 people I idol most. I then ask myself “would they sincerely be proud of the effort I am putting forth right now?” The idea here is to get creative and think of something to get us going! It may sound or look silly, but the brain does not know the difference. Do whatever it has to be in order to get some sense of urgency in whatever it is that you are doing. Make up something even.
My sense of urgency is knowing that some of family members aren’t in situations that I have been blessed to be in. Knowing that, I won’t let opportunities slip and go to waste. I will go and make it happen. So I surround myself with people who aren’t afraid to show me what my weaknesses are a. Not saying this will works for everybody, but being in that growth mindset is absolutely essential for life. So find what works for you and only you if thats the case. Knowing that I built upon structure on a solid foundation makes the juice that much sweeter.
Pro Tip
Get a game plan
1. Get two bank accounts: One for direct deposit and one for all of your bills
– Ask yourself what are you trying to accomplish with your money? What do I want to accomplish with this money? Start treating your time and money like you actually care about it.
Quote of the week:
“If you aren’t intentionally trying to get wealthy, you might accidentally end up poor” – Unknown
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