What came first?
We absolutely have to know what we are doing and talking about at any high level. Im not saying we don’t need the knowledge and information in order to be great. But when imagination is in play, we get to go beyond the system and the norm that other people are already doing. I’m going to shed a little light on the importance of dreaming BIG, no matter what level we are at in life.
Having ALL the knowledge and information in the world is a true waste if we do not know how to apply it to life. Have you ever just ever sat down and imagined where we’d be if we followed exactly how we operate in our unique gift opposed to trying to adapt all the time?One of my favorite quotes is “Life is like Tetris, as soon as you fit in, you disappear”- Unknown. Please don’t disappear and be another sequel.
Set the tone early
When going into any situation, make sure we are a thermostat and not a thermometer. We don’t have to be bully to set the tone early. If it’s a true experience, make sure we know that we deserve the access, know that we deserve to be there on a high level. It’s truly okay to take our thrown and walk in our unique gift. When others judge, it’s all in their personal world, don’t let it affect your world.
Know ourselves and our personalities! Are you a natural supporter? Are you a boss type? Are you a motivator? Know that there is a TON variety in the world today. Not everyone is going to like you and we have to be okay with that. Everyone works in stride with his or her unique gifts. Michael Jordan is the prime example of this, as he was awful at baseball but crushed it on the basketball court. All we need is one thing to truly take us to the next level and if it’s truly your gift, If you do that gift well and stay steady, You WILL be recognized.
Comparing ourselves
Not saying that I support this concept, But if we were to compare our unique skills and passions to others, do yourself a favor; and please compare yourself to the highest of the high. Like how is your work looking compared to the greatest out there? How do your pictures look compares to Ansell Adams? How does your squat form look compared to Kelly Starett’s? How do your films look compared to the work of Alfred Hitchcock? Put work out there that you deeply know that world can grow and benefit from.
Knowing your audience is also essential. Focus on the people that could potentially gain and get inspired by something from you. About 80% of people in the world do NOT have college college degrees; will you know how to reach this large population if your vision is to affect the entire world? Long story short, know your target and your unique message.
Stay Woke
We have to make sure we aren’t lost. Don’t just be going to school and work without having a longer game plan. Be working towards something higher than your current position. Look out and set your future self for success on all levels. Often times, being lost will lead to confusion and possibly lead to get involved in all the wrong things. Temptations are very real; let’s try ejecting ourself from all those situations if possible by having some vision.
The definition for bravery is having the fear, but doing it anyway. The famous stage actor, Henry Fonda would throw up at least 7 times before he would go on stage. The man still had fear of performing in front of people after decades of doing it! The point is that adversity and resistance is inevitable.
On the extreme side, some people have the same fears and adversity as they did when they were 5 years old. As we go through life, some fears will never change, the only change is knowing how to get through and deal with it as fast as possible. Feed your confidence and starve out the fears and insecurities.
Pro Tip
Know that the day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Plant the seed and water the seed, trust the process.