Remembering who we really are
We have to know that we all have been conditioned to who we think we are. The average birth takes place in this sterile atmosphere with white floors, white walls and sterile hands and environment. As soon as birth happens, there’s blood EVERYWHERE! It’s controlled chaos really.
The second we come out of the wound, we are the most pure and most free we will ever be. Immediately after, we get introduced to our parents and often times become “soft”. Majority of the time, the parents first objective is to shy us away from physical pain. Now, I’m not here to tell you this is bad thing. It’s a different story having them wanting you safe and the process of being spoiled. As being spoiled can be harmful to the future self. I’m here to remind you of who you were born as, a true free soul.
There is no excuse to blame your parents for anything at all. They were taught certain traditions that were passed down to them from their parents and then to us. These traits could be anything from being selfish, pessimistic, distracted, jealousy etc. On the other hand, some traits that get passed down to us can also be drastically beneficial like honesty, loyalty, having compassion, being responsible etc.
Deep down, I think that we all truly know exactly the person that we want to be and how we want people to view us as. It’s really up to us to have the courage to change these traits/traditions in ourselves in order to stop the negative traits from getting passed down to our future generations. A trick that helps is to figure out if these traits are serving you in a positive way and If not, simply get rid of them. Here are some ways of getting around this.
The stripping process (Feelings – Forgiveness – Freedom)
Step 1: Know we have been conditioned. Start being unsure on whom you think you really are, because we’re often times conditioned to even think in a certain way. It all starts will being brutally honest with yourself. Really get clear if you’re bullshitting yourself or not. Like do you really not know?
After, get in touch with the feelings you have been trained to suppress. Literally look in the mirror and ask, “Am I sincerely fulfilled with the life I’m living now? Can I offer more?” If not, please save yourself and do some serious self-assessing and take it to the next level.
Step 2: Imagine the little boy from the Christmas Story whose mom dressed him in so many layers that he couldn’t pull his hands down by his side. Those layers are the traits that could be holding us back heavily. Some examples of these toxic traits could be being selfish, pessimistic, distracted, jealousy etc. By peeling back the layers that we have picked up throughout life we make room for new traits. First, is that we honor these traits for bringing us this far. This way, we forgive to free ourselves.
Step 3:Get out of your own way. The mind will throw all the adversity in the world your way. It will be out for blood and will pledge anything to get a deal, and then stab you as soon as your back is turned. We have to be able to distinguish these thoughts as fact or fiction.
Step 4: Get inspired! If we look at some of the greatest humans who’ve ever walked this earth (Bob Marley, mother Theresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr) they have all managed to constantly go beyond their thoughts. The idea of “staying stupid” is actually brilliant! Steve Jobs is the perfect example. If he would have bought into people’s opinions on just how “stupid” and ambitious his goals were, he probably would have pulled the plug off the jump! Stay bold.
Step 5: Don’t ever be what everyone wants you to be. There’s always going to be someone sort of bias towards you, good or bad. If everyone single person likes you, you are oftentimes doing something very wrong. We all have a unique roll to play. Are you providing your unique gift out there to others? Be honest with yourself and figure out what that gift is. Our souls are always talking to us. Follow the clues of your soul and take one step at a time. Your purpose will reveal when you take these clues to heart.
Pro Tip
Be a student of life. Life is constantly giving us clues and lessons no matter what the situation is. We are here to grow and find out who we are. In the end, we are here to learn lessons and understand ourselves.
PS: You have nothing to prove to anyone. Trust your knowing as the universe is supporting you! Just trust the process and ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY. You don’t have to be in a rush to get somewhere that you THINK you need to be. You are exactly where you need to be right now.
Quote of the week:
“The real does not die and the unreal never lives” Unknown