Nutrition Consulting

To successfully optimize outcome, each individual requires his or her own intervention. There is no one size fit approach to reaching health-related goals. Work 1:1 with me to establish the structure of a healthy lifestyle or to develop a personalized diet tackling preexisting conditions. Get tailored menus, recipes, and shopping lists that match your lifestyle. You will be provided handouts to the bio-individuality of your dietary needs and personal health history.

Individual Consultations

Assessment and counseling provided. Recommendations and meal plans documented for clients. 3-4 sessions are recommended. Half-hour sessions are offered for existing clients. Blood and genetic testing can be conducted in analysis or for existing clients as well.

Choose your Plan

Analysis of your current diet

Half hour analysis of specific health concerns

Analysis of current diet and 5-day meal plan

Public Work Shops

Seasonal cooking and wellness workshops held at various community locations around the Philadelphia area. The curriculum will focus on how to shop seasonally, food prep techniques as well as mindful eating exercises.